Thursday, September 6, 2012


I started this post a LONG time ago...planning to add to it.  Shortly after I realized that I hate subbing!  So, no more stories, but I'll share these few chuckles...

One morning my class was to join another class for a movie on Desserts (as I quickly read on the lesson plans).  I thought, "What a fun lesson!  I wonder if the kids get to eat any desserts while we're there?!"  Imagine my surprise when the movie started and the narrator began speaking about the Gobi DESERT!  How boring that lack of one S made our day.

Another blonde moment was when we got to the handwriting assignment.  The teacher's handwritten note said, "Handwriting CD".  While the kids were at recess and I was getting ready for the next portion of our day, I kept looking at "Handwriting CD", trying to figure out exactly where the CD would be and how in the world a CD could be used to help with handwriting.  Sad to say, but it took me a good minute or 2 for it to dawn on me that the C & D were written in cursive and the kids were supposed to practice writing the capital C & D in cursive!

School broccoli gives me MAJOR gas!