Sunday, December 19, 2010

Post-it holders

One of the teacher gifts that I made this year was post-it note holders. They cost me a whopping 50 cents each (not counting the paper or glue, which I already had on hand). They aren't anything super special, but they are pretty cute and have that fun home-made flair that turns 50 cents into a gift worthy of giving and receiving.

I got the idea from this site, but made a few changes. Here are my instructions.

Remove the backer from on set of post-its and stick it on top of another set. Add tacky glue* along the top of the stacked set and glue the backer paper to it. When it's dry, cut off the excess backer paper. I'm not sure if this step is necessary, but I figured it can only help to reinforce the top.

*Aileen's tacky glue is my new best friend. This Christmas I have used it to repair many broken ornaments and other decorations that I have previously glued with hot glue. While I also love hot glue, it has it's disadvantages. It does not hold well on smooth surfaces. It takes time to heat up and cool down the gun. Being the klutz that I am, I usually end up burning one or more of my fingers whenever I use it. However, tacky glue has none of these issues and while it doesn't dry quite as quickly as hot glue, it does dry fast and already has a tacky consistency (hence the name) so it grips pretty good from the get go.

Cut a strip of heavier cardstock type paper. It should be just slightly taller than the post-its and long enough to wrap around the post-its and overlap just a bit.

If you are not lucky enough to have a scoring tool and tray (or whatever it's called), then you'll have to improvise, like I did. Find something with a shallow groove - like a paper cutter - and something with a rounded point - like this tool that I have from Creative Memories. Line up the paper where the folds need to be and score along the lines. For this project you will need 4 score lines - 2 to each side of the post-its - so the paper will wrap around the post-it stack. To determine where these lines should be, just lay the post-its on the paper and make a mark to each side. Then turn the post-it pad up on it's side and make another mark at the proper thickness. Be sure to make the "thickness" marks equal on each side. After the score marks are made, fold your paper and check that it wraps nicely around the post-its, but do not glue it into place yet.

Momma needs a mani (and a pedi too for that matter!)

Now for the closure. You have a lot of options - velcro, string wraps, elastics, etc. I was going for simple and what was on hand, so I just used more paper with a flap. Cut an appropriate shape out of the paper you are using or a coordinating paper. With the paper wrap around the post-its, lay the cut-out on top to determine where it looks best. You will be gluing the cut-out to one side of the paper (the left) and making a flap for it to tuck into on the other side (the right). After laying the cut-out on top, make a mark on the right half of the paper, where the flap opening needs to be cut.

Cut the opening and then glue down the cut-out piece. Also glue the post-its into the wrap. Write a nice little note on the first post-it and Ta-da! You have a super cute gift ready to go!

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